Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Harper is one week old

Harper turned one week old yesterday, Monday August 9, 2010. It was suppose to be the day she was being born but instead we are home and enjoying every minute of her. She continues to be a laid back baby. I honestly am waiting on the honeymoon period to end although I hope it doesn't. She sleeps well at night...going to bed around 10 pm, waking around 3 am and then waking in the morning. Harper still sleeps most of the day and is eating about every three hours. She is a good eater and is strictly breastfeed. She loves her big sister Gracie. She can sit on her lap for thirty minutes to an hour content as can be. We still don't see much of her eyes and we don't hear many cries unless it's time to eat or she needs to burp.

We went to her first Doctors appointment at one week. Dr. Hutchins says she looks great. She did pull off her umbilical cord so a real bath is coming soon. She said it looked like it was about to fall off and and was smelling a little funny. So she put silver nitrate on it and told me she would be good to get it wet in 24 hours. Harper weighed in at 6 lbs 15 oz. She has officially lost one pound since birth but Dr. H says there is nothing to worry about, breastfeed babies tend to do that.

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