Monday, August 23, 2010

CrAzY Week

Last week was a crazy week of trying to get on a schedule, healing, getting ready for school and feeding Harper. The girls are getting used to having Harper around. They now realize that when she cries or needs to eat everything else gets put on hold. I think we are all ready for preschool to start next week. We have bought all school supplies, picked out first day of school clothes and bought new come on Monday.
I went back to the doctor on Friday and everything looked good. Infection is healing, I was just told to continue to take it easy and finish all my antibiotics. Harper went with me again and did awesome just hanging out in the stroller and the big girls went to Chick-fil-a with Mimi and Pops.
This past weekend was a nice, easy going, fun weekend. Daddy woke up early with the girls on Saturday morning and took Olivia and Grace to Dunkin Donuts, to run errands and then they hung out outside while he laid sod. Mommy has a relaxing morning inside with just Harper. We then ran errands and went to our church "Block Party". It was fun hanging out with friends and showing off the baby.
Sunday was church and working in the yard day. The girls LOVE hanging out with their daddy no matter what it is. As he tried to water the lawn the girls had fun playing in the sprinkler.

Easy way for Chad to keep up with the dog and two kids...put them in the back of the truck.
Helping daddy wash Copa
Harper hanging out

Grace has been beside herself that she has been able to help feed Harper.

Karen and I at the church "Block Party"
The girls looking at the mail they got from their teachers.


  1. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love them tiny in pull ups, so hot to make them pull downs and see that lovely tiny pu--y just waiting

  2. love her long tongue bet she would do a great job of licking myballs and sucking me off

  3. lovely little tits love to spread my spunk all over them
