Monday, August 8, 2011

Meet the teacher

The day finally came to meet our kindergarten teacher. This day say too soon for my sweet first born. Grace was very excited about going but once we got there she had little to say to anybody.

The whole family went to see where Grace would be spending her kindergarten year. We are looking forward to being in Mrs. Marks' class. We have heard that she is an excellent teacher and loads of fun!

Grace came in and decorated her book bag name tag and quietly checked out her room. Mrs. Marks is very bubbly and seems full of life. Grace will love it!

We took Grace around the school and showed her how to get to her room from carpool, where the lunch room was, the clinic, etc.
It was a little overwhelming as a mom to figure out PTA, how to put $ on the lunch account, actually meet the teacher, find my own way around the school, buy spirit was CRAZY!

We are over the top excited about Cory being in Grace's class. Cory's mom, Jennifer, and I have joked for years that Grace and Cory need to be in class together. We have been friends since shortly after Cory was born. They have been to all of Grace's birthday parties and now I am excited to see their friendship evolve some more.

Grace and Cory five and half years ago!

1 comment:

  1. Little girl needs a hard dick to slurpy on
