Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Beautiful Sound

Several years back, when I was a Children's pastor, I remember having a conversation was a set of parents about their little girl praying. They also had an older son and had not instilled the power of prayer with him at a young age and they talked about how hard it was to get him to start prayers in his teenage years. The parents had just become christians a few years before and now their daughter saw them pray and saw that pray was just "normal".

As I became a parent a few years after that I thought of that conversation and how I wanted my children to hear and see me pray. It also became important to me that I teach my children to pray by talking to God and not just saying a little memory poem. Don't get me wrong, I love that my babies say the sing songs that they learn from preschool. But prayer is so much more then the Johnny Apple Seed song. And will be very important in their walks as they get older.

Well, I write this because I wanted to journal about sweet Olivia saying prayers from her heart. For about a year now she has been singing the prayer songs from school. Some times she will repeat a prayer that Grace says but just in the last two weeks she has has starting saying the sweetest little prayers. I love the fact that we all fight over who is going to say the blessing before meals or bedtime prayers...so we usually have multiply prayers.

Tonight we all took turns saying prayer. Grace prayed for her school day and for having joy in her heart. Then Olivia kneeled down, head bowed, eyes closed with her hands together..."Thank you for today, for Harper, for bringing Grace home on school bus and thank you God for me." SO sweet. She has had a hard transition with her big sister at school and so those word were just priceless to me.

Tonight was another proud mama night.

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