Monday, June 14, 2010

Tonsils and Adenoids are GONE

Last Monday, June 7th, Grace had her tonsils and adenoids removed. We made our first trip to the ENT office on April 1st to talk about the size of her adenoids and tonsils and the affect they were having on her sleep and the sickness she had had just in the last nine months. Grace has never been my sick child. In fact, I think she had only had two ear infections before the age of three. But starting last summer she had had two ear infections, several sinus infections, bronchitis and tonsillitis. She had also been snoring louder then must grown men! After looking at the size of her tonsils we decided to take them out, hoping this will clear up most of her problems.
Grace knew she was going to have surgery and was very brave about it all. It was also the innocents of a child to not really know what was about to happen to her. The morning of the surgery she was shy with nurses and hyper with mommy. I guess that shows her nervous habits. She told Chad and I several times she was NOT going to go to sleep. We told her she could try but we were pretty sure the medicine would win that battle. Only one parent could go back with her so I chose to go. Sure enough she refused to lay down for the mask but would breath it in sitting up. All the nurses were laughing at her determination of not falling asleep.
The surgery only lasted thirty minutes and the doctor told us that is went very well. He also said her tonsils were huge...the size of adults, kissing each other in her throat.
We had to wait another 45 minutes to go see her in recovery. She came out of anesthesia well. We heard a lot of other children crying but she was tears at all. She ate half a popsicle, fell back asleep and then we were on our way home.
Recovery has been good but has seemed slow to a mama stuck in her house. Gracie was sick the first day from the anesthesia. She has not eaten much in the last week but has been good about drinking fluids. I thought we would be eating lots of popsicles and ice cream but she has not been interested. When she has eaten she has had chicken and hotdogs...weird right?!?! Grace has been watching lots of movies, made lots of crafts and been held a lot. She has not taken many naps but has slept good at night. She is still on codeine a week later and it has made her very emotional. I hope to move her to Tylenol tomorrow.
Right before surgery
In the recovery room
Lots of movies
And crafts

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