Sunday, January 2, 2011

Harper at Five Months

Harper turned five months today. She continues to grow like a weed. She is now in size 3-6 months and 6-12 months clothes. She is barely in size 2 diapers. I put her in a size 3 at night and she still pees through it almost every night.
She is still just rolling over one way, from her tummy to her back. She would rather be upright in a toy then on the floor. If I put her on the floor to play on her belly she rolls right over. And then looks for someone to pick her up. She can push herself up with her arms, she now does it when I lay her down for a nap. She look over her bumper and watches as I leave the room.
Harper is not a good night time sleeper. She is starting to get into a really good routine during the day of two good long naps and maybe a little catnap in the evening. BUT she still wakes at least once a night, sometimes three or four times. I guess it is almost time for the "cry it out" method, I'm just afraid of her waking up Olivia at night.
The girl loves to eat. She is still bottle feeding and breastfeeding, 50/50. She is now eating cereal twice a day and is starting on baby food. I have made up some homemade food in hopes that it will help with her reflux. So far she has tried pears and sweet potatoes and loves them both.
Harper is becoming a little ham. The first picture is my favorite thing she does right now. She loves snorting to get our attention. It is so cute and she can now do it on command. She tolerates a lot from her big sisters...including Olivia always holding her hands or rubbing their faces together and Grace holding her and carrying her around the room. She is a very happy baby. The only times she cries is if she is hungry or tired. She is another of my girls that wants to be laid down to fall asleep so she can get very cranky in the car or stroller if she is sleepy and no crib is in sight.
Harper is a Blessing to all of us!

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