Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Harper is 3 months old

Harper turned 3 months old yesterday. She continues to bring complete joy to our house. She is even more of a joy now that we are really figuring her out. :) Harper is another good sleeper at night. She doesn't sleep through the night but wakes up once, eats for about ten minutes then goes back to bed. Last night she fell asleep at eight, gave her a bottle in her sleep at nine, she slept till four, breastfeed, and then woke up this morning at 7:45. She is still sleeping in our room at night and she asked her daddy yesterday if she can sleep with us till she is a teenager...wink, wink. She is starting to get into a routine of napping during the day. If we are home then she sleeps the best if you just go lay her down. She will fight it out for a minute or two but then goes right off to dream land. Harper still likes to be swaddled and laid on her side but somehow wiggles her way to her tummy.
Harper likes to eat and I think she has grown about two pounds in a month. She is fitting into 3-6 months clothes prefect and I'm afraid will be out of them too soon if she doesn't slow down. She eats every three - four hours. She is being breastfeed and formula feed. For some reason breastmilk only wasn't satisfying her.
She is another paci girl. Harper has been able to keep that thing in her mouth since the first few days of life. The only place it doesn't stay in her mouth is in the car. She HATES her infant seat, which makes car trips pretty interesting. I have come to believe it is because she is not with one of us. She rides much better in Chad's truck and I think it is because she is between Grace and Olivia. The big girls talk and sing to her while they rub her feet and hands. The girls continue to do awesome with her and just go with the flow. Even her screaming in the car does not bother them. (Now Chad on the other hand is a different story, he can't stand the crying)
Harper is full of smiles now and coos when her mommy talks to her and Grace. She is starting to get interested in the TV which cracks me up. She is grabbing out of things and holds on to shirts and fingers. She doesn't play for long on the floor still. And she loves to be held!

Playing with daddy
Grace loves to hold her but it makes me sad to see this pictures because Harper is slowly growing out of her lap.

Grace sings and dancing with her and she loves it.
So who does she look like?
Watching Baby Einstein for the first time!
I think she liked the tv.
Hanging out with maw maw and paw paw

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