Thursday, October 14, 2010

Harper Dr Appointment

On Tuesday I took Harper for her 2 month doctors appointment. Dr. Hutchins said Harper was looking great. She weighed in at 11 lbs 5 ozs and was 23 1/2 inches long. That puts her in the 66% for weight and 90% for height. We decided not to give any reflux medicine because we think most of her pain is due to gas in her tummy and not acid. So we started her on a little pear juice once a day to see if that will help move things around in her belly. Harper received four vaccinations. Three were shots and one was oral. She only cried for about two seconds and then she was fine. She did great!

Harper is starting to sit in the bumbo seat. She doesn't last very long but she enjoys sitting up.
This is were she spends most of her time while I do things in the kitchen. I don't know if she likes it because she is laying down or because she can see me.

1 comment:

  1. That is a Great idea putting her in the stroller. Love that cute little outfit she is wearing.
