Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Harper at 14 months

Still hard to believe that this sweet baby is a year old now. She is a complete mess! She is in to EVERYthing! She is a great walker now and roams the house and the yard. She still needs a finger to help step up or down off a bump, stair, mat, etc. She is still only saying a few words and does not have a name for Grace or Olivia yet. You can't be around Harper more then a few minutes without her saying, mama several times. She loves animals and will tell you what an elephant, fish and dog say. She is a smart little cookie and follows several one and two step directions..."go throw away", "no,no", "go find milk and bring to mama"... Harper loves to be outside. She can play in the sandboxes forever. Grace is always a big help with her outside pushing her in cars, helping her down slides, etc. Harper is a snuggler when she first wakes up. It's one of my favorite times with her. But as soon as she gets down she runs to her highchair and let's out a squeal until someone feeds her. She LOVES to eat! The child will now let you miss one of her meals. She will eat just about anything and only with four teeth. She signs more and we have worked on finished, milk, eat but she normally just squeals until she gets something. And the squeal is pretty annoying...just keeping it real. We have had to walk away from groups of people just because of the squeal. She is starting to have a little bit of separation anxiety when I leave her at church but she gets over it very quickly. She is beginning to be a little sassy and is starting to test the water. If she has something she is not suppose to have she will try to get away from you as fast as she can and then hides the object behind her back. She is a little stinker and we all love her!
*She just had her second ear infection. :(

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