Sunday, February 6, 2011

Harper at Six Months

I am behind on several post but I am starting with Harper and Grace. So you may find some out of order.
Harper is now six months old and loving life. She is very alert to what is going on around her now. She wants what her sisters have and will lean in and grab what she wants. She is a BIG hair puller and gets all of us. She absolutely loves playing in her exersaucer. She can stay in that thing for almost an hour. She can see everything that is going on around her, play with the toys on it, see TV and even pulls them down to suck on toys. Harper is on a great schedule. She is officially sleeping through the night, takes two good naps and a catnap in the evening. She is breastfeeding twice a day and takes a 6 oz bottle three times. She now eats solids three times a a day. She also started on puffs and a sippy cup. Love watching her try to get those puffs to her mouth. Harper can roll over both ways but would much rather stay on her stomach and inch forward on her belly. She pushes up on her arms very well. I love walking into her room when she wakes and see her peeking over her bumper. She is sitting up with very little support. She is babbling ALOT. She is saying bababa and dadada. And honestly she has dadada a lot more when her daddy is around. I don't think I heard it for four days start when he was out of town but as soon as he got home she couldn't stop saying it. Even the girls at church remark to us about how much she talks. She is a very happy girl! The only time I hear her whine is when she is hungry or tired. Even when she wakes up she plays in her crib talking away. Love this girl!!!

A special trait of Harper when she is happy....she rolls her ankles.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet thing! Harper and I have something in common, we are both the 3rd in a family of all girls. :-)
